An equal and universal right of use of land
A duty to preserve biodiversity
The Égaliterre movement takes action to equalise land resources and enable individuals and communities to live in self-sufficiency, while protecting biodiversity.
The movement works through a foundation whose purpose is to create peace among humans and make them self-sufficient. Its main goal is to allocate to each individual an equal plot of land.
Égaliterre foundation has the following goals:
- To establish equal proportions of land for a specific region according to its population;
- To enable free and individual access to an equal share of land;
- To guarantee the protection of biodiversity of these lands, in particular through advice and trainings;
- To offer trainings to develop self-sufficiency skills;
Moreover, faced with the currently observed overpopulation and social inequalities, Égaliterre foundation takes action:
- To support in priority those who are deprived of more natural resources than they are entitled to;
- To encourage a voluntary reduction in the birth rate, in those regions where even an equal distribution of the natural resources is not enough for the inhabitants, nor to protect the ecosystems.
Operational choices and markers
Égaliterre foundation adopts the following operational choices and defines ethical markers in order to reach its goals of social and environmental justice.
Self-limitation and collective limitations
We are aware of the effects of our actions and thus choose to self-limit to respect equality. More specifically, we choose to limit the individual and collective use of natural resources in order not to exceed the equal distribution we are entitled to, and the natural biological productivity.
An ethical committee, consisting mainly of philosophers, keeps a close watch on the stances of Égaliterre, and offers alternatives when required by law.
Fair delimitation and allocation of land
To operationalise the equal sharing of natural resources, Égaliterre rests on the smallest known geographical entity for an individual and the community where they live.
In order to keep the social proximity, and to give everyone more opportunities to take part in the democratic exercise within their community, this geographical area of reference is set by the municipalities.
Each person is entitled to an equal plot whose proportions are determined by the relation between the superficy of the geographical area in question and the number of its inhabitants.
Each person can appeal to Égaliterre foundation to occupy a land according to the egalitarian conditions and in accordance to the practices favourable to biodiversity.
In such situations where, temporarily, the foundation does not have enough land available to satisfy the demand, a selection will be made to determine the priority beneficiaries.
This selection will be made by drawing lots among the people collecting the more points according to their commitment to biodiversity and the support needed by their current situation.
At each election, the ethical committee is called upon. It gives its opinion, and submits a report on the actions taken.
Protection of the biodiversity
The Biodiversity Council of Égaliterre foundation consists of agronomists and naturalists. It establishes the meliorative management practices for biodiversity, as well as the criterias for its control.
Generally speaking, we use the indicator of environmental footprint to ensure we do not exceed the biological productivity of the ecosystems.
- We promote the relocation of activities to meet the needs, all the while protecting biodiversity.
- We promote food and energy self-sufficiency.
- We favour accommodations with a low ecological impact.
- We encourage the collective management of shared resources.
- We protect areas with a high biological interest.
Égaliterre foundation works in partnership with Biodiversity Asbl to contribute useful resources to the development of those practices.
Égaliterre foundation raises the population’s awareness of the consequences of procreation on an equal distribution of resources.
Égaliterre foundation encourages a voluntary reduction of the birth rate in geographical areas where the population density exceeds the natural resources available and necessary to the essential needs of its population.
Likewise, a reduction of the birth rate is encouraged where human overpopulation leads to the occupation of all spaces and the destruction of (the habitat of) other species.
In order to allow individuals to develop their self-sufficiency, Égaliterre foundation offers training and facilitates the sharing of skills pertaining to food, water management, creation of movable and immovable assets, clothes, communication and mobility, art, health, energy and organisation of common goods.
The foundation works in partnership with Autonomes Asbl to contribute useful resources to the development of those practices. It particularly promotes:
- Food-producing with preservation of the soil and rural landscapes;
- The building and maintenance of (traditional, alternative and innovative) housings with low ecological footprint, with local materials and self-building techniques;
- Local crafts
Égaliterre foundation also supports the creation of communities who, with solidarity, facilitate a local response to the vital need of their members and thus, lower their ecological footprint.
Égaliterre foundation is led by its board of direction. Its internal operation is inspired by sociocracy. The same goes for the committees and councils, which act as value guarantors and ensure that Égaliterre foundation reaches its goals. The decisions are made following a consensus, or by vote, with a two-thirds majority.
Égaliterre foundation contributes to the laying out of the democratic foundations of a society.
An equal access to resources for all gives each and everyone an equal right to life, and thus, allows the expression of our diversity.